Friday, November 24, 2006


Okay, the biggest thing happened to me yesterday morning. I was scrambling around in the closet with Wynter at my side, looking for nail polish to paint her stubby toe nails and prepare her for a Thanksgiving photo shoot, so that her Papa could at least see her since he wouldn't be with us. I have to admit that the way I looked was less than fair--grungy would be a good way to describe it--hair scrunched up in a ball, day-before make up and "clean the house clothes". Anyway, there I am all serious about finding the right hue for her toes when I feel a tap on my shoulder. The first thing I think is that it's Willy because he happened to be the only other human in the apartment besides Wynter & I. But no, this stranger has a beard?? Who--what?--how--no.....YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! No WAY!!!!! I don't deserve this but it's totally happening and there in front of me is my amazing, tall, strong, completely loving husband Christian! He had driven all night long, 16 hours in total to come see his wife & daughter. Movie script, anyone? I feel like a princess who's been rescued by the knight of her dreams but it's better than that because I've exchanged vows with my knight, and I'll have him forever. Thank you, Baby, for being the most spontaneous person I know. For cutting through normal day life and creating a fairy tale for the ones you love. Anyone who knows me knows I love surprises so this has been the BEST Thanksgiving I've ever had and hey, Christmas doesn't have to be that great anymore because I feel like I've already had my Christmas--Christian. "Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so."
The pictures are the ones Maureen took of us on our way out the door to go to Thanksgiving dinner at Fiesta Home.


Anonymous said...

That's a good move, ol buddy. She'll remember that forever.

Anonymous said...
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Christian & Julie said...

thanks mike. That's me...smooth operator. Actually I just couldn't imagine being away from my family for thanksgiving. Iwas sitting in the car at about 8:00 at night and decided that i just had to go. so i turned on the car and left. It was definitely worth it

Gabe Rucker said...

So glad you guys got to be together.

Christian & Julie said...

Thanks Gabe, us too! :)

Babylove said...

awww, great story. You look smashing in the pics, certainly no "yesterday's make up look" there. Never met you but my hubby (Josh) has. Cutie baby, I enjoy your blog too. XXX

Christian & Julie said...

Alisa, thank you so much for commenting, I've always wanted to meet you. You're so beautiful and I admire you tons for being the strong mother of 5, that takes a big heart and you've obviously got one. Love you and hope to meet you one day. --Julie

Liz said...

awww, man...yay!

Christian & Julie said...

It was so fun to see you, Liz, xoxo!