Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's up with us

The Lord is good to us! Christian should be starting his last job here in less than a week and that's supposed to take a week so we should be on our way really soon! Wynter & I will be visiting my parent's Home in Houston for a bit before Christian joins us to drive to Guatemala. Please pray for all the details to fall into place, like the funds to come in and for the car to sell in Puerto Rico and for us to find an economy car to drive down in. Thank you so much!
Latest happenings here would include Wynter doing better with her sleeping habits. She still goes to bed very late for a toddler but it's becoming more common for her to sleep 8 or 9 straight hours during the night, very new thing for her! Right now Christian is building a dock and he needs to drive these metal stakes into a lake bed but the wet suits they have aren't big enough for him so his helper has to do it but alas, his helper is too short to stand in the water! Funny situations he has to be in.


Gabe Rucker said...

Will be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

That would be a funny sight to see.

Christian & Julie said...

Thanks Gabe & yes Mike, funny is what Christian is all about. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie
So glad to hear that you'll be heading this way soon. They're waiting for you!
I'll write soon