Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Inlaws

I have grown quite close to Christian's family, so much so that I will miss them when we leave. We've been staying with his Mom & sister, Dawn, & it's been really good for me to get to know them the way I have. Dawnie's 2 daughters, Michelle & Cheryl, are precious girls & Wynter calls them her cuzzies & cries for them when they're gone. We got close to them during the summer because Willy & I took care of them so Dawnie could work. (Dawn is in her last 7 months of 4 years of college to become a Dental Hygenist, works at the same time & is a single mom. What a woman!) Anyway, I'm just feeling thankful that while we're facing this difficult time in our lives we can be with family & feel loved, it's really meant a lot to me. Up until last week I kept expecting my mother in law to freak out & tell us we're too much, we've ruined her quiet, etc, but she's done no such thing & says she loves having us. :) I think that God gave us family & parents to represent how He never stops loving us, no matter what we do. As a new mom I've realized this even more, like when Wynter's acting horribly, staying up all night and screaming or throwing a huge fit, I still can't help be kiss her all over her face & squeeze her chubby little body. I've noticed that when people understand me it makes me want to please them because they know the effort I've gone to in trying harder. I pray that I can grow into every bit the mother that Christian's mom has been to us & mine has been to me. Let motherly love continue!


Miss B said...

Amazing to see all those guys. I grew up with them. They look great...especially Dawnie.

Christian & Julie said...

I'll tell them you said so, Haven, they remember you very well. All good stuff! I love you!