Friday, March 16, 2007

Life in Guatemala

I'm hanging out with Christian and my brothers right now and I'm waiting for Flickr to upload my photos. La dee da. Taught school and then went singing today (after giving the class over to Premi who does an incredible job with the girls.) There were top international bankers lurking the streets of our singing haunts so the police force was in high demand, meaning that our little minstrel team had to change direction and go to a place we usually don't go to on Friday. Results? Good times, 12 CDs sold and contact information exchanged between me and the directora of a large social institution here that focuses on children who were raised in conflict--that doesn't sound right in English but I think she was saying that they work with abused children. My Spanish is actually getting better, believe it or not. David is teaching me and Hosy is brutal with her corrections when I say things horribly. Hahahaha, Hosy, I really do appreciate your help but I'm allowed to exaggerate. It's my blog. :)
Upon return home I practiced with David for Wordstock and we're making progress, thank God. Coffee helps too. Christian has been building a kitchen with Tim at our new house so we can move in next week. It's so cool to have a talented husband, he's got skills. The only downside is that I have to miss him all day but it's worth it. The landlords went down on the rent from $2500 to $1500, really nice people. The house is brand new, never lived in and that's why they're building a kitchen. Someone donated the cabinet doors so things are going well in answer to our many prayers.
Wynter's new love is the Disney movie, "Dinosaur". She has a distinct love for all things animal. It breaks her heart when they go through their turmoil and she's not scared of bad parts. She's so in tune that she knows they're looking for a new home when theirs gets destroyed by meteorites and she sits watching quietly yet cuddling close to her Dan Dan (my brother Danny), who's probably in the same world right about then. They look at each other and nod, all is well in Guatemala. Continue watching, I insist, because this means I can finish folding our laundry. Oh, one last thing: Wynter felt bad for the ugly monkey who was left alone on his swinging vine along with his also single friend, the huge dinosaur that in any other case would have eaten him for snack. Ahhh, Disney. Everyone finds their own in the end.
Willy is disturbingly obsessed with basketball. We're teaching him patience, self control and love through the many menial jobs he does daily. He is incredibly hardworking though and leaves a floor shining like you wouldn't believe. He goes to the market twice a week every week and never complains, loves it. He has a better Spanish accent than I do (which I shouldn't be advertising) and he keeps everyone in stitches when he, well when he's just being him.
Oh, another new thing! We (Hosy, Sharie, Willy, Danny, me, etc.) play Volley Ball on Thursday nights now. We are hmmmmm, let me see.... horrible!!! Well, at least I am. We left the court last night promising to each other that we will return every week to get just a tad bit better. We must. Failure is not an option, especially not when you're playing against people that have had knee surgery. (45 year olds and older, I assure you. I'm not one to brag.) We will overcome and they will fear us soon. Hurrah! We are learning this sport due to our dear Katina de Comas who invited us to her children's school's vast indoor court. Friends are important. :)
We might be playing gigs in local restaurants/bars soon, we have 2 possibilities. I'll keep you posted. Love you mucho and I'll try to be more faithful with this posting stuff. XOXOXO!

1 comment:

Christian & Julie said...

P.S. to my post: Willy says he's good at Volleyball, Hosy agrees but I was too busy fighting with the air in front of my face to protect my nose to notice. Love you!