Thursday, January 18, 2007


I called one of our old friends, Bart in Houston to let him know about our need for a drum set for our band. It was great to talk to him, I haven't seen him in years but I've known him since I was 12 and I decided to call his music store and ask for the donation of a guitar for my younger brother, Danny who was turning 10 that week. Bart's reponse was that if I could gather enough knives from our missionary community that he would consider a trade. Thinking back on it now, he may have given me that answer thinking that I would just try around somewhere else but I did gather the knives and got my parents to drive me down there to show Bart what I'd collected for him, ha! He was shocked to see me and looked over the knives, finally choosing one of value, a whaling knife my dad had kept for years. Then after seeing Danny's current guitar that my dad had bought for $8 at a flea market in California when Danny was 8 years old, Bart tells us "That's not a guitar", and then pulling a new one off the shelf, he says "THIS is a guitar!" Such a nice man. Danny got the best birthday gift and I was floored by the miracle. Anyway, ever since then Bart has donated thousands of dollars worth of musical equiptment and instruments and when I mentioned our need for a drumset he quickly asked "How do I get it to you?" Isn't that precious? He didn't think twice or hesitate and when I told him he's one of our angels, he said he will always help "The Family Singers", the name our family singing group has always had. So, Danny, David & Hosy will be bringing home the drum set in a week and we can start practicing hard core! Oh, if you want to see a music video we did for one of my songs at my parents place, check it out here: Click on "Pray For You" on the far right, you'll see a picture of me.


Anonymous said...

SUPER COOL!! AWESOME LIKE A POSSUM!!! --Christina Lovelight

Christian & Julie said...

hahaha, Renae, is that you??? :)