Thursday, December 28, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!

Hello my long lost loves, I'm back to fill you in on the exciting details of our new life! Okay, besides the ache in my heart from missing Christian so deeply, Christmas was wonderful and we all had a great time. Wynter got plenty of gifts and she was thrilled with her stocking. (The one that I stayed up 'til 2:30am to make with Hosy tutoring me on more efficient, time saving stitches, ahem.) We did a show on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so by the time dinner came around at 7:30, we were all ready to relax but that didn't happen until like 11pm after all the kids were down and we could just chill. So, it was fun, we danced a lot and celebrated the amazing things that happened during the Christmas season. I have so many good memories of going singing, we had an awesome group. The guys actually know how to sing really well here and they perform great, one of them plays bongos so we sounded terrific in my opinion. Willy got to join the group after his persistance and determination to show off his musical skills. :) He did great, mouthing the words he didn't know (which were many.) Anyway, David, Hosy, kids & my dear brother Danny are leaving today for the States and they're supposed to be gone a month but I'm praying less because there's a good possibility they're bringing Christian back with them! Sings: "Daddy, please come home, Mommy can't make it on her own. Little Wynter needs you too, we're not a family without you!" I'd sing more but the tears will flow and then the keyboard (which isn't mine) will get destroyed...a definite no-no. Okay, I'm in a slightly odd mood today so I'll cut off here, I'm gonna try to post some pix of our Christmas singing, such a fun time!! I love you all, write me if you feel the urge. A little reminder: Oh, no making fun of the email address. I've had it since I was 13. It used to be mysticsand@aol but then I couldn't afford the monthly fee and I went for the freebie with the addition of the number 2 at the end of my sands of mysticness. Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you love it Jule. I wish I could be there to share it with you, but life is good here too. Everyone is so sweet & I feel right at home. Give everyone my love & I will get in touch with you soon.- Esther T.