Sunday, December 17, 2006

We're Home!

So the most amazing thing happened! We were in a minivan. The four of us "older people" with 5 children, these are their ages: 7, 4, 2 1/2, 21 months & 4 months. All girls. So, the amazing thing that happened is that NOTHING happened! --Nothing bad that is. Tons of good stuff happened which leads me to believe you all were praying for us double time, THANK YOU! We spent 6 days on the road making stops in San Antonio, Harlingen (where Wynter got to meet her grandpa for the first time, Christian's dad.), Tampico, Vera Cruz, Arriaga and now we're home in Guatemala City, we love it here already! Everyone we stayed with was full of hospitality and gave from their hearts, really sweet. The house here is huge and beautiful and the people are great, we're truly blessed. I've gotta go now but I'll come back to tell more of our travels, there are plenty of great stories...Willy probably has a lead role in most of them so they're sure to be entertaining. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news. Merry Christmas!

Christian & Julie said...

Thank you, Mike! Merry Christmas to you too, we love you tons!

Anonymous said...

That great Julie, so happy for you and a very Merry Christmas to you all! xoxox

Gabe Rucker said...

Merry Christmas

Christian & Julie said...

Thank you all for your love and wishes, MERRY CHRISTMAS & we love you!