Saturday, July 28, 2007

What's going down--or up??

The Lord just did a miracle for us that makes me wonder just how blind I've been to His love all along. He really does love me. It's hard for me to grasp because I'm a pessimist of sorts when it comes to believing in myself. Have you ever felt that way before? Like you would do anything to make someone else believe in the gifts they've been given, the mercy they're entitled to and the joy that is theirs to explore but when it comes to yourself and your adequacy and intelligence--yeah, let's just say you're spent. Well, this is where that ends and I'm thankful to say I'm acknowledging His presence in my life. I'm noticing it more and more and I'm realizing that every good and precious gift comes from up above and He cares about me despite the fact that sometimes I don't .
Well, the above mentioned miracle is that we have paid the deposit on our new home--for a year anyway, since that is what rental deposits usually entail. I have to say this home is near perfect and such a gift of the Lord's love that I almost fell over. The house is 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bath's--huge kitchen, huge living room and hardwood floors with a deck on the side of the house that Christian plans to add to and last but not least, consider the following:
What we view from the windows of our new home: A large lake with a 2 1/2 mile walking/running trail wrapping around it. A mini-olympic pool w/ diving board bordering the lake. 5 darling playgrounds in the subdivision. Tons of trees and forestry surrounding everything. The Chattahoochee river (which I've learned to spell from spell check) running through our neighborhood with one of the large pools in the community overlooking it in a pristine, snobby way. :) All of this and more for a price that is less than what we were looking at spending! Crazy--but delightful. "Jesus is here, He's here right now. Jesus is here and I'll tell you how. Jesus to know is heaven below. Jesus is here, He's here right now."
Love you, want to tell more but I don't know where to start, help me with questions. Muah! XOXO!


Jaz, Clare and Dune said...

Clare says:
So happy for you guys-- I need pictures!!!! Take pictures of the view, the lake, the pool, the deck-- pleeease?? Georgia really is a pretty state

Anonymous said...

Oh Georgia? Not so very far!

Anonymous said...

hey Love you guys and I really miss you mwah

Joni said...

We love you guys!! You were both such sweeties to us when we saw you last. Sounds like an awesome setup! Thanks for being our friends. xox

Christian & Julie said...

We love you guys too. Muah! Yes, Loxy, are you still in Florida? Would be fun to see you! Clare, I will most certainly take pix for your pleasure :) and Laura, we love and miss you too. Joni, we love you so much and you and Vas are very dear to our hearts. Kisses!

Anonymous said...

TTL! Julie that's a wonderful testimony of the Lord's love. Very encouraging! We are praying for you!
Love, Hosy